

Chemistry is an important part of the curriculum for pharmacy students, as there are many disciplines within chemistry that are actually involved in the design and development of drugs, namely; general chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry (or therapeutic chemistry), pharmacognosy and materials chemistry for the design of dosage forms. The learning of chemistry by pharmacy students is generally influenced by their perception of theoretical courses, tutorials or practical work. In order to evaluate this perception, we conducted a cross-sectional study based on an anonymous electronic questionnaire distributed to students of all the Moroccan Faculty of Pharmacy over a period between January and March 2022. A total of 151 responses were received of which 78.1% were women. The results show that the majority of students are satisfied with theoretical courses (68.2%), tutorials (75.5%) and practical work (91.4%), lectures (74.2%), and flipped classrooms (33.1%). Pharmacy students also see a logical and coherent progression of theoretical teaching from one year to the next (72.1%). The majority of pharmacy students are satisfied with the chemistry courses they have received, but they are not very motivated by the e-learning methods, especially the flipped classrooms.

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